Hi, fellows! How are you? What do you think of the creative younger generation? What are they like? okay, this time we will discuss Indonesia’s Creative Generation.
The side which is very typical in adolescent world is CREATIVE. The proof is simple, give them confidence to make art performances or manages the August 17th celebration. Guaranteed that they will be able to design a splashy event, unique, memorable and not monotonous. Until for the public themselves, we can see that teens are often given the trust to things that smells need CREATIVITY. It's been typical for teenagers to be great in things like that.
CREATIVE’s simple definition is doing or creating new things than before. Of course that will not just be new, because the creative has to do the additional requirement, CREATIVE product that launched has to have a value of benefits. CREATIVITY is also often connected with the development of thoughts, ideas, or concepts that previously had never existed.
Then, what is the charasteristic of creative person?
· Always thinking of new ways to improve the situation.
· Dare to break the standard limit in the search for solutions.
· Always wanted to know.
· Having the habit of action.
· Having alternative answers.
· Noting ideas even though it looks impossible.
· Likes humor and relax/easy going.
· Having tolerance to the dilemma.
Doesn’t it great to be a creative person, but ... HOW CAN WE DO IT? There are many ways to whet the creative soul. Gail Tycer in his article Creative Ideas, 5 Simple Exercise, say that we all can be a creative person. Wanna know how?
First, you have to notice something that looks strange and unfamiliar, when there is a problem you have to look for a solution although it sounds strange, the solution to a problem may be in that variety of possibilities. Well, then you should always take note with you, you can put every creative idea in your notebook, and when you're cranky or boring, just look at the note. Notes can bring fresh inspiration. And you can try to change routines, such as changing your room’s paint, try a new computer program, change the direction of the road to school, and so on. Changes can surely encourage creativity. Learn something new, if you're already clever/good in the computer field, try the other fields, such as sports, arts, music, fine arts, disassemble the engine, et cetera. Usually, people who often tamper with the machine can find new ideas, as experienced Soiciro Honda. Once you know new ideas, don’t forget to do it on field, not all ideas / solutions can easily work, there are some learning processes that must be overcome.
So, would you be the CREATIVE GENERATION OF INDONESIA? Of course you would, right?
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